Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When you run out of other things to talk about

Need a conversation starter? Perhaps you're driving in the car and the kids are arguing, or perhaps (not likely) it is too quiet for your taste. Try this one: " kids, what do you think would happen if I just pulled up to that bank and robbed it?" You wouldn't believe the genuinely thoughtful comments this statement can generate. Cause and effect, moral reasoning, all covered:

age 6: "Then dad would have to take us on his business trips"
age 10: "NO, (dummy), Grandma would have to watch us"
Me: "I'd get three meals and plenty of time to read"
age 6: "You'd have endless toil. You could only read after you did all your work"
age 4 "When are we getting to TJ Maxx?

The conversation went on and on. I can't remember all the details, because I was wondering what they would serve at the correctional facility - that I wouldn't have to cook.


  1. Thanks for that idea. When I have my four surrogate grand-children in the car I'll remember that.

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you FINALLY started a blog :-). It cracks me up that your SIX YEAR OLD used the word TOIL! Is this the same guy that's handy with tools???? Looking forward to more of your musings :-)

  3. No, the six year old is mostly handy with the computer. All the kids get their vocabulary from their British grandmother.
